endios GmbH is a small, established and owner-managed company that was founded in 2015. We are based in the most beautiful city in the world – located between Hamburg’s city centre and the Hafencity. Our team has grown to 45 employees in the last few years, who work together passionately in the areas of IT, business and design. We always live our start-up spirit and value strong team cohesion and mutual support. endios offers innovative solutions for the important customer interface smartphone and our goal is to make the energy industry digital and mobile. With currently over 90 customers, we are the leading provider of smart city and smart energy apps in Germany.
The demand for digital customer solutions in the energy industry is increasing enormously. endios has developed the medium app into a future-proof and innovative platform solution (endios one). Depending on the requirements, modules are available to improve communication, reduce costs or increase product sales.
As a data-capable and intelligent platform solution, endios one enables a personalised customer approach and therefore targeted sales and marketing activities by connecting to CRM or marketing cloud systems.
The open, interface-based platform concept makes our customers’ solution the ultimate everyday helper, e.g. through functions such as e-fuelling, parking, e-ticketing or public transport real-time information.
As a platform, endios one is open to third parties and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
endios is the leading provider of SmartCity and SmartEnergy apps. With our innovative app platform “endios one”, we close the gap between energy suppliers and end consumers. This allows them to inspire with an all-encompassing app: whether energy, local or smart-city topics – our dashboard allows everyone to configure an app on their own via drag & drop. We would like to digitalise the energy industry and thereby make a decisive contribution to fighting climate change.
Since we have a white label solution, you will not find the “endios one” app in the stores. Hence, these are some examples of apps from our customers that you can download: “Meine Werke” (Kassel), or “Coburgerleben” (SÜC) or “Meine WVV” (Würzburg).
Go on to our website and see the open job roles. Towards the bottom of the page, you can follow the link to apply. It may be that your application fails to upload due to the large file size. In this case, you can email your application at jobs@endios.de.
Please include your CV (preferably with your salary expectation and start date).
For design vacancies, it would be helpful if you could send us your portfolio.
The first step in the process is a 30-minute telephone interview with our HR team. This will enable us to get to know you and understand what you want to achieve. The first call would also be an opportunity for you to find out more or ask questions about the position and endios. This is followed by a second interview, either in person or via video call with the relevant department. There is a possibility that the second round will be followed by a job-related task. There is mostly likely the possibility of a third-round interview.
We always try to provide some feedback when we can. However, it is not always possible to give individual feedback.
It really depends on the position and its requirements. We have employees working from abroad since many positions can be done remotely and do not require relocation.
We are very flexible and offer remote work. However, certain roles require occasional or frequent visits to the office. We are happy to welcome any colleague who regularly comes to our office located in Hamburg city center. For employees who live in Hamburg and visit the office regularly, we pay for the HVV Profi ticket.
The first two to three days of onboarding will take place at the office in Hamburg. You will be guided through each step during this week. This involves a number of introductory meetings to get to know your team and the different departments, as well as the product and your responsibilities. For each new employee, we select an onboarding buddy from the relevant team. The buddy provides support and helps the new employee with technical questions and cultural orientation at endios.
Your lunch time is not included in your working hours, so it is up to you to decide how long you would like to take it. Usually, our lunch break lasts 30mins to 1 hour – if you work more than 6 hours, you are required to take a minimum break of 30 mins. The office has a kitchen for your use. There are also several options located near the office from where you can buy food and enjoy together with the team. Fridays are also Pizza Friday at the office.
Yes, we have a variety of snacks, fruits, and drinks available in the office kitchen for you. These are delivered on a weekly basis, and you are welcome to help yourself to them while working at the office.
Our office is very centrally located in Hamburg’s old town and is easy to reach by public transport.
It is only a 10-minute walk from Hamburg’s central station. The nearest public transport stops are Meßberg (U1) Überseequartier (U4), Rödingsmarkt (U3), Jungfernstieg (U1, U2, U4). There are also many bus routes close to the office. Unfortunately, there are no parking facilities near the office. If you would like to travel by car, you would need to use the nearby parking areas.
Yes, you can apply to more than one role, but you would need to send separate applications for each.
At the moment, we do not officially offer internships at endios. However, please send us your CV and internship requirements, we will see if it is possible for you to become part of our team.
Please email us on: jobs@endios.de. Our HR-Team Katharina (Head of HR) and Sarosh (Team Assistance-Recruitment) are happy to answer your individual questions.
Here you can find out more about the application process at endios, as well as tips and tricks.
You still have questions?
Feel free to contact Katharina Beinroth from our recruiting team.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Phone: 0171 – 3361278
E-Mail: jobs@endios.de.
Head of Human Resources
endios is revolutionising the connection between utility companies and their customers with innovative app solutions that meet modern needs for fast, digital and customised communication.
With "endios one", our dynamically expandable platform, we enable direct exchange, deeper insights into customer needs and significant cost savings through digital self-services. As the
German market leader with established ERP partnerships with SAP, Wilken and Schleupen, for example, and an offering that is even being adapted for smart city applications, endios focuses on
the rapid provision and high adaptability of its solutions.
Through a combination of technical excellence, broad partnerships and a deep understanding of customer-centricity, endios strives to make the smartphone a key success factor for its
customers. Supported by more than 50 international, dedicated employees and a very strong positioning in the market, we have already been able to inspire over 100 utility companies with our
At endios, you are a crucial part of digitalisation in the energy industry.
Your contribution will help us to modernise the industry. We are looking for motivated talents who want to realise innovative ideas and make a real impact in a lively environment. Are you
ready to actively shape the future of energy supply with us? Then join endios and take your career to the next level!
In der Detailansicht hat der User die Möglichkeit seinen PDF Vertrag ganz einfach zu exportieren oder über installierte Messenger Apps zu versenden.
In der Aktionsauswahl ist eine Hilfe hinterlegt, in der Fragen und Antworten der Nutzer beantwortet werden können.
Mit dem Haushaltsvergleich hat der Kunde stets einen Referenzwert zu seinem aktuellen Verbrauch parat. Ist der Verbrauch angemessen oder erhöht? Praktische Energiespartipps können dem Kunden helfen, seinen Verbrauch zu mäßigen und langfristig Frustration bei Nachzahlungen zu vermeiden.
Der Nutzer hat über die Verknüpfungsfunktion der
einzelnen Widgets die Möglichkeit vom Verbrauchs-
Widget zu folgenden Funktionen zu wechseln:
In der Detailansicht hat der User die Möglichkeit seine PDF Rechnung ganz einfach zu exportieren oder über installierte Messenger Apps zu versenden.
Wird die IBAN angepasst, kann der Nutzer seine neue IBAN zunächst auf einem Screen eintragen. Handelt es sich hierbei um eine gültige IBAN, erhält der Nutzer eine Bestätigung darüber.
Im Folgenden werden dem Nutzer die AGBs und das SEPA-Lastschriftmandat angezeigt. Dieses muss vom Nutzer sowohl durch einen Slider, als auch durch einen Button bestätigt und akzeptiert werden.
Wird die IBAN angepasst, kann der Nutzer seine neue IBAN zunächst auf einem Screen eintragen. Handelt es sich hierbei um eine gültige IBAN, erhält der Nutzer eine Bestätigung darüber.
Im Folgenden werden dem Nutzer die AGBs und das SEPA-Lastschriftmandat angezeigt. Dieses muss vom Nutzer sowohl durch einen Slider, als auch durch einen Button bestätigt und akzeptiert werden.
Wir bauen zurzeit unsere Karriereseite um, daher steht unser Bewerbungsformular leider noch nicht zur Verfügung. Bitte sende Deine Bewerbungsunterlagen an jobs@endios.de.
Vielen Dank!
Dein endios Recruiting-Team
We are currently rebuilding our careers page, so unfortunately our application form is not yet available. Please send your application documents to jobs@endios.de.
Thank you very much!
Your endios Recruiting Team
Steckelhörn 11, 20457 Hamburg
15-20 Std. / Woche
Wird die IBAN angepasst, kann der Nutzer seine neue IBAN zunächst auf einem Screen eintragen. Handelt es sich hierbei um eine gültige IBAN, erhält der Nutzer eine Bestätigung darüber.
Im Folgenden werden dem Nutzer die AGBs und das SEPA-Lastschriftmandat angezeigt. Dieses muss vom Nutzer sowohl durch einen Slider, als auch durch einen Button bestätigt und akzeptiert werden.
Wird die IBAN angepasst, kann der Nutzer seine neue IBAN zunächst auf einem Screen eintragen. Handelt es sich hierbei um eine gültige IBAN, erhält der Nutzer eine Bestätigung darüber.
Im Folgenden werden dem Nutzer die AGBs und das SEPA-Lastschriftmandat angezeigt. Dieses muss vom Nutzer sowohl durch einen Slider, als auch durch einen Button bestätigt und akzeptiert werden.
Wird die IBAN angepasst, kann der Nutzer seine neue IBAN zunächst auf einem Screen eintragen. Handelt es sich hierbei um eine gültige IBAN, erhält der Nutzer eine Bestätigung darüber.
Im Folgenden werden dem Nutzer die AGBs und das SEPA-Lastschriftmandat angezeigt. Dieses muss vom Nutzer sowohl durch einen Slider, als auch durch einen Button bestätigt und akzeptiert werden.